Thursday, March 11, 2010

Meet The Junkies #6 Matt Sasaki

1. Who are you?
matt scott sasaki, aka masasaki, aka sak sak, aka eric jameson.

2. Board? Stance width and angles
b seven because i'm a sellout. 15, -15 because that's what shaun rides his shit at. i max that shit out because i like to spread it.

3. Home Mountain
can can

4. Pow or Park
park, pow is for puffs.

5. Hobbies not shredding
getting shitfaced and texting/IMing girls over fb.

6. Best music to shred too?
gangster rap or chick electronica

7. Favorite trick
i don't know the name of it.

8. Who is killing it
not obama

9. Shout outs?
the little kid's parents who i almost landed on today. thanks for keeping it scary.

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