Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Meet The Junkies #3 Dan Harris

1. Who are you?
Danimal Harris aka BOB

2. Board? Stance width and angles
24", 18• -15•
153 evo, all day e'eryday

3. Home Mountain
The Canyons

4. Pow or Park
Pow when the snow gods are willing.
But there's nothing wrong with lappin the park with the homies when it's not fresh.

5. Hobbies not shredding?
Skating, cruising the low rider, and partyin with the homies.

6. Best music to shred too?
Hip hop mostly. Anything with a good beat.

7. Favorite trick?
Methods all day. I like to kick it old school. I dare you to throw a good method and try not to smile. It's impossible.

8. Who is killing it?
All the junkies, everyone has improved so much. I think Gabe sauce has been pushing the hardest this year. And Jo-nasty, nothing like getting one upped by an 11 yr old to put you in check. Hah keep killin it.

9. Shout outs?
First and foremost the whole crew for pushing eachother even when you're hurt or tired. The NS crew for all the help and fun times. Board of Provo and John for the fresh gear and the mellow schedule so I can ride. And Honger for being The Film Ninja.

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